
Koko Nuggz chocolate bud treats (non-infused)

A nug is a smokable, self-contained piece of cannabis flower. Nugs can vary in size and color depending on their genetics and how they were cultivated and typically fit in the palm of one’s hand. “Nug” is an abbreviation of “nugget,” possibly in reference to the discovery of gold in California.

“Look at the size of this nug!”

“I pick my weed based on how frosty the nugs are.”

What is a nug?

A nug is any piece of cannabis flower that holds its own shape that has been harvested from a branch. Cultivation practices such as soil quality, light exposure, and water intake can greatly influence how big, dense, and potent a cannabis plant’s nugs will be. “Nug” is an abbreviation of “nugget,” possibly in reference to the discovery of gold in California.

Is it a nug, cola or bud?         

Nugs and buds both make up the bigger, clustered colas of the cannabis plant, which are usually on the tops of branches. Colas are the biggest and most potent nugs of the plant because they receive the most light. 

Smaller nugs and buds also grow lower down on the plant and usually aren’t as big or dense as colas. The terms “nug” and “bud” can be used interchangeably, although “nug” often denotes a higher density and quality.