Logo for the brand Open Grow

Open Grow

Automation & Safety. All you need to automate your grow.

Our story

Open Grow provides the first agricultural automation system dedicated to urban growers capable to be adapted to any growing environments and be confronted to unexpected eventualities.

The uniqueness of GroLab is proportional to the anxiety of growers to find a definitive and stable device that meets their needs. Although it´s not the only grow control system on market, its elegant design, innovative and easy usability makes it unique in the market, positioning itself well ahead of their predecessors with a more rough and industrial appearance.

Our main goal is to create the standards for any agricultural grow, and let the users tweak these standards to meet the highest performance for any specie in any type of growing system. Creating so the common language when talking about growing plants. We aim to deliver a high quality product at an affordable cost.

Everyone can use GroPedia.com to make its Grow Journal even without our hardware, getting access to the first anonymous social network dedicated to all kind of growers. Finally, mixing all this products/services we propose a unique and revolutionary system adapted to learn from urban farmers and even teach others helping them to grow. It’s supposed that each individual GroLab user will become a potential teacher for others.

Our system is scalable and easy configurable. We reach people that are looking to improve their results without spending too much time and money automating their grows. That´s why, contrary to our competitors who gives expensive and obsolete alternatives, GroLab's Starter Kit is adapted to all growers providing them definitely the access to the highest technology in the market.

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