
Frit is a ceramic, powder-like material made from a number of inorganic materials that have been melted together and crushed to a granular consistency. It is often used for glazing and decorative purposes in glassblowing, and can be used to make pipes, bongs, and other pieces. Due to its high-silica and low-aluminum content, frit is usually melted within other glass to enhance color saturation or to customize a design.

“The frits in this bong add a trippy dimension to its design.”

What is frit?

Frit is a ceramic material that has been crushed to a granular consistency so it can be used in glassblowing and ceramic glazing. Frit has a high silica content and is low in other compounds, making it stable and easy to work with at high temperatures. 

Frit is often used in glazing for this reason, and is often used to create a blend or diffusion of colors and designs in glass pieces, enhancing the visual experience of pipes, chillums, bongs, carb caps, and other types of glassware.

Is smoking from a frit pipe safe?

Yes. Frit is melted within other glass, so it does not appear on the outside of a piece, making it impossible for any frit to enter the body when using it.