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Kind Meds (AZ)

I'm struggling to write a review that seems genuine without looking like a fake review, so I feel compelled to explain myself ad nauseam. My apologies. I've been a mmj-user since before recreational use was approved. I've frequented several dispensaries in several states over the years, and I've always placed significant value on the shopping experience. Now, if you're the type of person who doesn't care about the shopping experience, then you probably don't care about how your "high" affects you, either, and - if that's the case - Kind Meds has you covered with the same specials you can find pretty-much state-wide, such as "5g of Venom distillates for $100". On the other hand, if you DO care, then walking into Kind Meds might be the best thing you ever do. Whomever does the hiring and training at Kind Meds does a fine job because simply knowing I'm going to see the kind people at Kind Meds brightens my whole entire day. (Shout out to Ryan, Alexis, Crystal, Lex, and Orion... the budtenders who've gone beyond-helpful with product selection.) Beyond that, though, whomever scouts & procures the product at Kind Meds is very keen on consistency and quality. Sure, they have the standard crap that you can find in one-location dispensaries, such as Venom and Tru Infusion, and those bottom-barrel products come at "special" prices that are pretty standard across the U.S. (yes, Venom and Tru Infusion are set up in multiple states, and yes, their product produces a noticeably weaker "high" to the discerning individual.) However, for MY money and experience, I'm a strong advocate of the products I've only found at Kind Meds. For instance, they have your basic flower testing around 27% THC, which is on the high end for this state, but Kind Meds is the only place in AZ where I've seen flower that tests higher than 27%. For distillates, they have a brand called High Grade that definitely stands apart, imo. Their Blue Dream shatter definitely comes from the same mother-plant as Colorado's Blue Dream, which - as a weed aficionado - I used to say Colorado's Blue Dream is my favorite strain (though CO now has Purple Dream, which is mothered by a Purple Urkle/Blue Dream hybrid). I digress, the things I like most about Kind Meds are the little things most people wouldn't take the time to notice. They picked an affluent, quiet business complex with a wonderfully-scenic front entrance. The door is of a decent heft to match the ambiance they've set up in the lobby, and - without fail - there's always at least two friendly smiles shot at the door from all the way across the room (through the glass). Getting scanned in at Kind is always easy because the owners sprung for a decent scanner that works well through the glass ("scanning in" has been a consistent issue at other places). When invited into the backroom - wherever I go - I always say, "What are the specials?" At a typical dispensary, the budtender is off-put by the question and fumbles through the antiquated conversation. Some of the better salespeople at other dispensaries have managed to impress upon me a pleasant conversation while they gather an adequate response, but the budtenders at Kind Meds stand alone in their proficiency. Idk what notes they keep in their computer, but it seems like every budtender at Kind Meds remembers exactly which products I LOVE, which ones I'll accept as substitute, and which ones I won't try a third time. ESPECIALLY Ryan and the silver-haired woman I think is named Alexis (or, Alexa... forgive my ignorance) while all the budtenders at Kind Meds are pleasant, Ryan and Alexis are efficient about recommending the right product first, and with appropriate enthusiasm to close the sale. I noticed about a month ago that it's been over a whole quarter (now, 4 months] since I've shopped anywhere that ISN'T Kind Meds, which is when I mentioned something to the staff, and they've been encouraging me to get a Leafly account so I can put in my accolades somewhere that counts! So, here you go! You should shop at Kind Meds, and you should take their recommendations without concern to the price of the product. Without putting my trust in THESE budtenders' recommendations, I might not be as happy a person as I am. Also, Ryan rolls the cannagars by hand, and they're fricken awesome! I always have one at home for celebrations, but they make great presentations in front of clients, they smoke very smoothly for a cigar, they taste amazing, AND they burn forever... and, at their current price point, they're the best cannagar I've ever purchased. Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to mention that Kind Meds has pints of frozen juices that are a little on the expensive side but are a total necessity to my neighbor. She drank lye as a child and now, literally, does not have a stomach or most of her intestines. She can't do inhalants, but THC eliminates her pain, so she eats edibles... however, the processed sugars cause her body to purge, so things like gummies just go right through her... she loves the juices. If you read this review, do me a favor and buy a frozen juice from Kind Meds, so they keep stocking them. Please, thank you, and namaste.

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