Kieran is a writer and photographer based in Nova Scotia, located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'kmaq people. His work has appeared in Broadview, The Walrus, Maisonneuve, and elsewhere, and he has been writing about the cannabis industry since 2016.
6 total articles - Page 1 of 1
Bulk buys: These brands have the best weed ounces
Kieran Delamont - Published on September 16, 2022Read moreSometimes, an eighth just doesn’t cut it. Here are Canada’s best ounce deals for marathon weekends, cooking, and stash padding.
Canada’s weed beverages are this summer’s secret success story (finally)
Kieran Delamont - Published on August 11, 2022Read moreCannabis legalization 2.0 had some problems with weed drinks. Have they made a successful market comeback this summer?
Legal cannabis is producing more plastic waste than pot
Kieran Delamont - Published on July 19, 2022Read moreThe legal cannabis industry produces millions of pounds of plastics each year. These brands are trying to make a difference.
How to buy legal cannabis seeds in every province (almost)
Kieran Delamont - Published on March 15, 2022Read moreEver wondered where to buy weed seeds online in Canada? Look no further, we got you.
Photo Essay: Cannabis harvest season in the Maritimes
Kieran Delamont - Published on October 25, 2021Read moreWhile the craft cannabis industry is flourishing, a fertile pocket of Nova Scotia awaits its turn.
Legacy to legal brands are taking over the cannabis industry
Kieran Delamont - Published on September 17, 2021Read moreLegacy market players were making cannabis products before legalization was a twinkle in Justin Trudeau’s eye.