
member since 2018

Recent Reviews2 total

Rug Burn OG

I'm using leafly.com to journal my cannabis experiences, so I thought I would start with the first strain I ever tried. I tried Rug Burn OG using my friends Volcano Vaporizer. I took about 3 or 4 big hits over about a 45 minute period of time. I have to say, not having the smoke and being able to partake in cannabis via vapor, was a good call. Little to no coughing. I started feeling something about 30 mins in and by an hour after my first hit, I was for sure feeling the effects. At first, it felt like I was wearing a cannabis crown, a lot of smiling, then it moved to my feet and then eventually to my face and chest. I was with 3 other people, one very experienced and 2 very inexperienced like me. They were chatting it up, but I wanted to do nothing but go sit on the couch. I chilled on my couch with my friend and my dog and just listened and chilled. Did I mentioned I chilled. For the next two hours, I just sat on my couch, listening to the sounds of my house and my wife, who for some reason decided to clean the kitchen and make some snacks. The one great part of this experience was the next morning, when I woke up, I felt great. So, there it is, my first cannabis experience.

Triple M - Plymouth (Medical Use)

My new favorite dispensary. Being from the South Coast, this is one of my closest dispensaries, but after a few visits, this is now my favorite dispensary. From the moment you walk in, all the staff is friendly and welcoming. Once you get back to the actual dispensary (not the sweet waiting area) the staff is super knowledgeable. I like that they don't hurry you out of there, each customer gets as much time as they want. Now to the product. Second to none, at least in MA. I have only bought flower and pre-rolls, but each of them weighed out on my home scale more than what they claimed it to weigh (I'm not complaining). They have a great variety, though I would like to see a few more sativas. I love that they grow all their own product on site. If it sounds like I can't say enough good things about this place, it's because I can't! Great product, great vibe. I'll be back for sure.

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* Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for individual medical advice.

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