
member since 2014

Recent Reviews1 total


Proud to be one of the first people reviewing this strain! Been an avid bud toker for 8 years now, have tried plenty of strains since then and this one definitely leaves a mark. If you're lucky enough to get some of same buds as me you can expect some definite kick in your hit. This is easily one of the more potent of buds I've smoked. Is it the greatest strain I've ever smoked? Definitely not, but It's name and potency definitely leave a mark. It gives you some pretty epic dry eyes and I added "Loss of Memory" to the effects list because it does give you a major dose of that. Don't know why that isn't an pre-added effect I definitely feel certain strains effect that more than others, Oh well. The taste is not the greatest either but it's not the worst. It's all preference! I think the potency of this particular strain easily makes up for it! So yeah, definitely would recommend this strain if you're considering it or saw it at your local dispensary and get it before it's gone! Hope this helps! (Excuse me if I made any mistakes or typos had to smoke a fresh sample for an accurate review lol.)