Amnesia reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Amnesia.
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Picked up 10g of Amnesia Cheese. A mix between skunk and Northern lights.
It has a strong euphoric high, with a giggly and feel good effect in the beginning. It later turns into a heavy indica , with great pain and stress relief.
It's very strong and potent.
Smoked it in a bong and felt effect immediately. I can recommend it for both day and night users!
8/10 since I didn't feel anxiousness.
The king of all strains. I can honestly say one blunt of this and I was the highest I'd ever been by smoking, a really intense high that's not a million miles away from edibles. Absolutely loved it would 100% buy again. And so should you.
Goes well with TWD s06e09
Very Pungent Citrus and musky textures. Looks like a Bright version of OG kush. Bright Pistols very light green leafs and lime dark green on the outside. Provide me with a great cerebral head massage and also gives me the stress relief of eye pressure. It's good for appetite for a sativa the effects help with focus, motivation, stress, hunger, moody issue as well as a bundle of joy and happyness. I don't think I can beat that when your happy everything seems a bit better in a new way :D. Great for trying something new, it doesn't effect my memory like it used I remember a lot of things on this particular bud. Overall fantastic skunky taste, look and effect would recommend it for those who can't concentrate and PTSD.
Very uplifting, when I first smoked it I thought I had dosed bud. :) Thoroughly enjoyed the ride though! Very strong cerebral effects that could turn into paranoia if you allow your thoughts to run
Nice strain, I smoked it with a couple of friends. I smoked a lot like way to much and I was sick for an hour then after we had classes in the evening and I was the most productive I've ever been. My teacher even made a remark. This strain id use for a lunch break high or even a wake and bake before school
I love this strain. It's almost psychedelic. I start giggling to myself! It puts me into a state of bliss as well. Very strong, can get paranoid, this probably wouldn't be a good choice for new smokers. I also had LOTS of motivation. I miss you Amnesia!
Banging weed! The mars bar of dope, very underrated!