Blueberry Muffin reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Blueberry Muffin.
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This strain makes me AROUSED. I absolutely love it! The more smoked, well, you get the idea. 😏
For context -- I have a hormonal disorder that gives me low libido... I'm talking non-existant. I am a femal in the 26-32 age range. 😊
I must admit, I get more pepper than blue berry but who the F cares. We are not here to "enjoy the effervesce flavors and notes" of dope, we are here for a much more important task, relief. So it taste like cannabis for sure. I found this strain to come on very soon after one small bowl. The magnitude just ramp'd up for the next 20 mins, I was "olde-skool" stoned. I have never felt this much tingle in the face and frankly a lil dizzy. Very heavy in the head and body. After 1/2 hour I knew this was the last dope I would have for the day. 3.5 hours later in the bed, slept like baby. The next morning, I had another bowl and wrote YOU this review. I hope it helps. In summery, its good ciba w/ a strong in-da-couch effects that I found pleasing. Go get ya a zip & enjoy.
I have actually had weed induced psychosis by almost every strain I have smoked. However, I have finally found a strain that lets me get super high and has no panic.
Insanely, incredibly aroused, beautiful body high, top five strains ever but difficult to find!
My new favorite Indica!! Freshly ground, this Afghani/Blueberry blend does indeed give off the warm aroma of blueberry muffins. I recommend vaping this treat to enjoy the full flavor. The effects are fantastic! I'm feelin' incredibly groovy and totally chill, pain gone, stress......what stress were we talking about???? This bad boy isn't too popular yet, but look out it will be!
Phenomenal. The taste of blueberry is for sure, but it’s no overly present. It’s there no doubt, but you also taste some sort of sweet herbal bite. I smoked half a joint (organic Raw Cone). I took maybe 6-7 hits. Wow. Slow to hit you but when it does, it gradually builds and you sense the atmosphere around you becoming stress free. My anxiety can get to me a bit, and this cuts through it easily. Sat down, watched a show on the Food Network, ate and ice cream cookie and thought; “life isn’t bad at all right now”. I love that it didn’t take much to get me where I am. The only negative (maybe because I didn’t have a lot) would be that you feel the effects for maybe an hour and half, max. Either way, bought another 1/8th. Definitely recommend.
Today's my day off and I recently picked up one of Ice Box Flat Farms' Blueberry Muffin prerolls, so I took the opportunity of having several free hours to give this a ride. As a side note, I am a *very* light smoker and have learned over time the hard way (with Mary Jane's sweet, dank, and longsuffering tutelage) that I must work sensitively with my naturally low tolerance; so in other words what I describe here was from a much lower dose than what I know most people to consume. That said, this review pretty much wrote itself in my little notebook of thoughts I like to keep handy about me at all times.
The Relax comes on quick but gentle. Head briefly, then sinks down nicely into the body. Thoughts were noticeably fuzzy but I felt completely ok with that; she gave a very comforting presence of confident trust that all is well and as it needs to be. Very sweet, hopeful feelings and thoughts that followed. The smell is just so sweet and phenomenal - has to be tasted to believe, it really does taste exactly like what the strain name indicates. Unbelievable. She lets your mind go out as far as it needs or wants, helps it back if necessary, and stays there reassuringly with your body the whole time. Seems to work very well with a large diversity of both inner and outer stimuli, and curbs the usual mental anxiety about thoughts and their implications. I wouldn't call it a daytime smoke and definitely not a before-work lifter, but for slower, low-stress, low-risk afternoon and evening leisure activity it is SPOT ON. It is very grounding both physically and mentally, even to types of cognition which tend to nonlinear tangents. A very lagom strain (ask a Swede what that means, lol). Now let's just see if I can make this J last more than a week!
Oh yeah, and munchies came on a bit later but not too intensely - I was able to keep presence of mind enough to control my intake well. Not gonna get fat off of *these* Blueberry Muffins!
It smells EXACTLY like blue raspberry candy <3 The flavor is hard to describe and I’m not sure how I feel about it; pungent and piney. The aftertaste is delicious though; sweet blueberries. It immediately got rid of my back pain and calmed me down. After a while I started to feel sleepy too. Then I couldn’t feel legs lol (but in a tingly and good way). I felt floaty and comfortably heavy at the same time. Amazing relief. Helped with my cramping and anxiety !!