CBD Mango Haze reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain CBD Mango Haze.
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Currently my favorite day time strain. Keeps my anxiety at bay without trying to knock me out. Nice light high, provides just the right poke of extra energy.
Very uplifting, leaves me clear-headed and fuzz free. Munchie causing and can make me sleepy.
Has a tropical sweat slightly citrus mango like flavor with a nice euphoric back-round sativa high that is amazing for wake'n'bake's as well as all day. Any day for medical users. Well when all said and done this is my new favorite sativa strain so far and i am just loving it. If you come across this verity, I would highly recommend it to any one who wont's to experience Cannabis Sativa.
September 22, 2016
Sweet smelling but almost spicy in my opinion. smoking through 9mm bong with hemp wick
Je vaporise mon herbe et le goût de la mangue est très présente. Si vous cherchez un CBD fruité c’est probablement celui que vous cherchez. Un cannabis d’été sur le bord de la piscine. Le buzz est très léger à 6% de THC et 9% de CBD.
Really great stress relief, I enjoy smoking this strain while taking a bath after a long day
Very relaxing!!! Smooth taste. I really enjoy this one...
Very nice smoke, tastes nice, good mix of head high and a bit of pain relief and sleepiness. Gives me the strongest munchies I've ever had, perfect if you want to perk up your appetite.