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Lux Pharms

Lux Pharms | CBD Curated

Our story

We curate the CBD market to bring you the best products in the world. Our aim is to make buying hemp & CBD products easy and transparent.

We are constantly searching for new products on a daily basis. If something catches our eye, we start looking into the background of the company and the farm. One of the first things we check for is a 100% organic grow - we reject any product using synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. We then check the lab reports for legal compliance, cannabinoid concentrations, and terpene levels. If the product passes this test, we purchase a small sample size.

When we receive a sample, we check the aroma, observe the terpenes and hairs under an intense light, take photos, and then save a portion for archival purposes. We then have at least three team members try the product. In the case of flower, we use both vaporizers and combustion. While testing we take down notes, then have a discussion about the product, and finally come to a consensus about various aspects of the product and provide ratings on a scale of 1-10. After we’re done, we record all the data into the CBDatabase, compare the ratings per column, then make a decision on whether or not it deserves to be added to the Lux Pharms product lineup.

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