Sweet Tooth reviews
Read people’s experiences with the cannabis strain Sweet Tooth.
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This strain is AMAZING!!! 🤩🤩🤩
I would highly recommend to try it out!!
You will not be disappointed, I promise!
All you will need is a couple of hits. Like about 6-8 hits or maybe less. Depending on your tolerance. It’s a relaxing, giggly, and happy feeling. Therefore, if you suffer from major depression then this is the right one for you! 😊 Enjoy!! 🤗❤️
i got bud from my local plug and i’ve smoked this strain multiple times. in fact, i’m smoking it right now.
i find this strain rather dreamy? i walk a whole lot on this strain and everything feels like a dream when i’m high on this. it’s more body high than head high, but it’s still pretty balanced. this strain doesn’t make me very anxious (unlike other strains like chemdawg and blue fizz), and i’m pretty calm on this. however, i tend to overthink small tasks because of this strain? it doesn’t make me too anxious, but if makes me SLOW as fuck! small tasks like charging my phone and closing the window can be very confusing for me. this strain is also pretty good for when you want to sleep. the munchies are good, but not too crazy or strong. it’s pretty bearable.
this strain is good for when you don’t want to get too fucked up or high since the strain’s not very strong and the strain doesn’t make you too anxious. this strain is better indoors but probably fun outdoors if you’re out for a dreamy walk. try not to use this for events or places where you need to socialise a lot. it kind of makes your comprehension slow and dumb.
also, LOVE THE SMELL !!!!!!
4/5 because i’m currently more interested in stronger and more fast-acting strains. i haven’t really taken my t-break lately sooo i need strains that are strong💀
Sweet Tooth is good for the soul! Seriously, what a great strain to taking the edge off or adding a little sunshine to your day!
I tried a small sample from a dispensary in San Jose and was immediately back for a refill.
The buds are very dense and smell is unbelievable. It has a very sweet, fruity smell, similar to a Pineapple Thai. I could sniff this buds all day. LOL
The initial sensation is very uplifting and social, and then slowly, over time becomes more of a body high.
Great strain - 8 out of 10.
Totally into music. Cerebral, More creative and spacey than focused. Strong euphoria. Good pain management. Next time, a tightly packed bowl. Strong effects. Even a half-bowl had significant effect. Spacey and scattered, into music. An hour in and the euphoria kicked in, along with pain relief. This time, though, there was a crash.
fantastic lookin' buds, covered in resin, with tons of lil amber hairs in places, but the inside was cream green. Took a hit initially, the taste was excellent, made me cough at first but the cough tasted rather sweet. took about 30 minutes for the buzz to really kick, but once it did, it enhanced all of my thought patterns and viewing capabilities, my mood was definitely more cheery and sporadic, very big head high, with a slight couch lock (watched 3 animes & made 3 massive breakfast tacos after 1 & a half bowls).
I highly recommend this bud. there are better out there, but it's definitely a consistent feel great bud.
Great for daytime/early evening pain & relaxation without the couch-lock. Best part (IMO) is that it tastes like cotton candy - incredibly smooth to smoke, without any harseness. Love the sativa energy boost, great nausea relief, & serious appetite stimulation on come-down. Also great for insomnia.
Such a great strain. Sweet menthol smell. Then there's a very mild cane sugar taste, and a noticeably sweet finish after you exhale. Mentally its very peaceful and creative. Zero muscle tension. I get tingles all over with bigger doses. Highly recommend for anxiety, and arthritic pain.
June 22, 2015
it was on okay weed. great to use if you wanna fall asleep cause it makes me eyelids really really heavy and it gives me the 'im so tired i wanna sleep effect' lol overall its not so bad, does not taste sweet though :/