
Blumenauer Tells DNC to Put Some Teeth Into Its Legalization Plank Already

Published on July 8, 2016 · Last updated July 28, 2020

U.S. Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), the leading champion of marijuana legalization in Congress, and national drug policy reform organizations sent a letter today to Democratic National Committee Platform Committee Members urging them to strengthen the Party’s tepid position on marijuana policy by adding the following statement to the Platform position: “We support ending the failed federal marijuana prohibition.”

Blumenauer’s letter is co-signed by Clergy for a New Drug Policy, Doctors for Cannabis Regulation, Drug Policy Action, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Marijuana Policy Project, National Cannabis Industry Association, NORML, and Students for Sensible Drug Policy.

“The federal government needs to do more than just allow states to be the laboratories of democracy when it comes to marijuana,” wrote Blumenauer and his allies. “We must actively acknowledge that prohibition has failed and pass the policies to reflect that change. In light of this, we also suggest a meaningful, but not substantive, addition to the beginning of the statement on marijuana: We support ending the failed federal marijuana prohibition.”

“There is bipartisan support for marijuana research, banking and tax reforms in Congress, but Democrats must be united in leading the charge for reforming our outdated marijuana laws. We applaud you for your leadership to pass this amendment to recognize the views shared by a majority of Americans in making this addition to the DNC Platform." 

Image credit: U.S. Department of Agriculture

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