Watermelon Ice
Whether you’re an experienced user or not, you’ll definitely feel this. I saw somebody who said they had a super high tolerance and could barely feel it. I probably have a higher tolerance than him I smoke up to 5-8 times a day (vapes sesh) and this stuff still gets me pretty high it’s actually got you going with a nice buzz off one hit. I’m hitting a disposable not bud, BUT if you’re saying, you can’t feel it/barely then you must have gotten the wrong thing/crappy version of it. I know everyone’s experiences are going to be different though but i seriously doubt that if me somebody with a super high tolerance can feel it that someone else who does can’t. Now for unexperienced users BE CAREFUL. Hit this strain more then a few times and your be buzzing pretty hard core trust me. Give it 5 minutes before you make the decision to light back up or smack the vape again. It does make your eyes a little heavy to me but I like the stain a lot. Taste sweet like watermelon/a little citrus fruit. Also you can feel the small/tiny bit of menthol feeling. Reminds me of the Juul pod menthols but just with the tiny tiny bit of that feelings