
member since 2019

Recent Reviews24 total

Halo Cannabis

When you have Physical Pain It's necessary to have a Bud-Tender that is Educated in the Product. To me it's just like going to a pharmacy and talking to a pharmacist. These Tenders are knowledgeable in their products. Add Knowledge, Politeness, and you have a Great Place to Buy and with Peace of Mind. Thank you all.

Banana Punch

Smoking 50 years yes I am old anyway, Creeper and knocked me out all night, I did have a weed hangover but I slept through the intire night..


Warning: Grower is the Key to Great Marijuana or Unexceptionable. Relaxed without being couch locked, Can keep Focused on projects, Talkative. Helps with Pain (arthritic), ADHD, Stress. The Right Grower can do All that with a smooth taste.

Muddy Waters

It's not a Deep Lung inhale it's light and not Harsh. Taste reminded me of Good Weed before All This. I am not a good describer of Taste. Pain was Less Arthritis is hard to be in a Pain free State. Somewhat Buzzed so it's more of a evening strain. Relaxed but not Couch locked. Still can Function mentally but you don't want to have to figure out problems. I'm pretty sure I will sleep soundly and not wake with a Marijuana hangover.


Love a Functional Mind where it's not in a Heavy Cloud. This Strain works with my Chronic Depression, my OCD and ADD, To a Person who has a chemical imbalance Headbanger gives one a feel of normalcy, not that being a little touched isn't that unusual in this century. Helps on Physical pain, like Arthritis. Absolutely no paranoia. Keep in mind your grower is very important...

Lemon Skunk

I smoke Medically,, Helped with my ADD, and stress, but it's nice when you have hard-hitting chronic depression and you smoke a certain strain and it seems everything just falls into place in your head to where you feel normal this is one of them. Not that normal is where it's at. I would love to be in a study that helps with the Mental side of marijuana and it's effects on depression and ice, etc... Absolutely no paranoia it's kind of a creeper and after a while you might feel tired but that's not right away that's after a few hours.

Purple Urkle

3 Years ago this was my go to. After three years the color Purple was Stripped. It had the Name Purple because of the Urkle being PURPLE. Do growers really need to harass and Molest a Plant to the point of Killing off the SOUl of the Plant? Growers are not God and you need to remind your selves, Marijuana is a Gift, Marijuana is supposed to be grown with respect and Love. All this Machines, Freezing and using less People that bring happiness to the plant itself is a Crime to the Plant. REMEMBER, MARIJUANA IS ABOUT HEALTH NOT MONEY AND WEALTH. To your health.

Pink Kush

Taste was pretty smooth, did not Burn going Down and didn't cough it Back out. I look for Taste that's important. You can find just at 1 Dispensary 5 Strains of Flower that takes care of Physical/Mentally symptoms so sure I Like my Strains Enjoyable Flavors. This Pink is Hairy with multitudes of Pink Orangish Hairs, Medium to Large Buds, Terps just bursting out of leaves that are starting too unfold. Helps with Arthritic Bone Pain Ankles/Whole Foot, Fricken hurts walk-in and standing. I wouldn't be Driving on this not Giving a speech. I Had energy before couch lock down. No one is here but seeing all that I fricken wrote I would be extremely Talkative. Earth's Healing South,. ... Tucson, AZ đź‘˝

Bubba Cheese Auto

Able to Relax and Contemplate without being Agitated, staying Focused because it's Elevating my Pain. ADHD gives reverse effects with medications and at times certain strains of marijuana but not This one. Each bud tastes different, one w/hint of Banana the other harsh. It has always been a decent time with Bubba along.

Earth's Healing South

Six years Earth's Healing has been my go to for Mind and Body as my Medical Marijuana Pharmacy. Through out the years I've learned more about Medical Marijuana as the Bud Tenders learned of my Medical needs and we're able to help with suggestions as which would work with my conditions. To my Healers at E.H. Kim says Thank you for making my life a little better. ⚕️🤗