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Product Review: Awakened Topicals Balm

Published on April 6, 2017 · Last updated July 28, 2020
Awakened Topicals Balm — California Cannabis-Infused Massage Oil

Awakened Topicals Balm at a Glance

Manufacturer: Awakened Topicals

Product: Balm

Ingredients: 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil* (Solar Infusion of Whole Plant Cannabis, Calendula*, Myrrh∆†, Frankincense∆† & St. John’s Wort*†), Aloe Vera Oil (Grapeseed Oil, Whole Leaf Aloe Vera*†), Candelilla Wax, Jojoba Oil* (Gem Essences), Non-GMO Vitamin E Oil*†, Essential Oils of Lavender* & Vetiver*.

*Certified Organic Ingredient, ∆Wild Harvested Ingredient, †Certified Kosher Ingredient

Cannabiscontent: THC 6.6mg, THCa 19.5mg, CBD 0.3mg, CBDa 10.1mg, CBN 0.15mg. Total cannabinoids: 37mg (per 25mL jar). Lab tested by SC Labs.

Availablein: California

What are cannabis topicals and how do they work?

Initial Impressions

When I opened the envelope containing my review sample, I was honestly a little skeptical. 25mL isn’t very much product, and I have a lot of sore muscles. I was pleasantly surprised to find that a little of this balm goes a long way.

I found that using a pea-sized amount on each of my shoulders is plenty. I figured out that the trick to extend the coverage further, especially if you’re using it as part of a massage, is to mix it with another oil, like coconut oil. My partner put a little bit of the balm on the areas that were most in need of relief, then massaged coconut oil on top of it. This method gave me the targeted relief I was seeking without wasting extra balm.


  • Onset time and lasting time were great. I noticed relief within 5–10 minutes of application, and the effects last for about 1.5 hours (depending on the severity of the pain).
  • The product is lab tested. Not only does Awakened Topicals test their product for cannabinoid content, they print the results on the label with the date tested and the name of the lab (SC Labs).


  • The scent isn’t my favorite. The initial whiff is entirely olive oil, so it sort of smells like a salad. You do get a little bit of the lavender and frankincense as it is rubbed into the skin, which helps, but ideally those pleasant scents would be more pronounced than the olive oil.
  • It’s not great for severe acute pain. I’ve found that this is wonderful for sore muscles, joint pain, and even skin issues like eczema, but when I applied it to my knee after it locked up last week, it barely touched the pain.

Our Verdict

First and foremost, I love the company’s commitment to using organic, sustainable ingredients, and I truly appreciate that they’re so transparent about lab testing results. It makes me feel like I can trust them, and I hope to see more companies moving toward that standard in the future.

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Overall, this is a great topical for home use. I personally wouldn’t be inclined to use it on the go because the scent is a little off-putting to me. That said, my best friend didn’t mind the scent: she described it as “grassy floral that reminds me slightly of lilac,” and had no problem wearing it out to the movie theater. The fact that we had different experiences is a good reminder that just because I didn’t care for something doesn’t mean you won’t.

Lastly, it’s so nice that a 25mL jar can last for multiple massages. I’ve probably used this balm ten different times since getting it and I still have half a jar left — just remember the trick of adding regular oil to the infused stuff.

Have you tried Awakened Topicals? Tell us what you think!

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Ashley Manta
Ashley Manta
Ashley is a writer, feminist, and sexuality educator. She is a contributing writer for Leafly.
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