
member since 2015

Recent Reviews6 total

Sour Diesel

This is a tremendous strain to keep you UP all day long and get your chore list completed, with a big old smile! Note to self - remember to keep the strong smell confined, it must be double or triple bagged! Flavor is good, piney and that familiar "diesel" after-flavor that Sour D gets is known for. 3-4 good pulls if smoked; or a "bag" vaped from the old Volcano will have your get-up-and-go going full bore again. Giddy Up!! Worries - Gone... Pain - Nada.... Anxiety- Bye Bye! This heavy hitter will bring on a strong level of happiness and euphoria that never disappoints. My #2 Sativa, only out-ranked by Durban Poison. GET YOU SOME & GET IT DONE BABY!

Green Crack

I have been lucky to have found this interesting strain on a recent hunting trip to Colorado. It is beautiful looking bud to behold and she delivers a pleasant taste indeed. Pure Cracka-Lacky bliss to help drive up motivation, resolve and determination to get shit done. Will endeavor to keep a taste of this terrific strain around the house all the time. Viva La GREEN CRACK dude!

Larry OG

Gee! How I have enjoyed my Larry OG. First of all... it has a light, fresh, piney aroma on the uptake and is very pleasing indeed. Shortly thereafter; you begin to feel a nice relaxing feeling that engulfs your body and soul. Euphoric, but calming as well. If you are having worries and feeling a little down you do the Larry OG Pokey and ya turn yourself around!

Killing Fields

This "killer" strain hits you with a very nice sativa buzz that will put a nice pep in your step! Get ready for a nice taste to your palate, with a lemon-berrish and piney taste. I much enjoy the trippy head buzz. I enjoy the trippy head buzz and the functional/positive outlook it tends to deliver. Furthermore, the way it promotes energy and clarity to my daily long distance runs or the "up" needed to handle my daily HONEY DO's.

Durban Poison

If you had to pick just one strain for a lifetime; one would do well to pick the DURBAN. This will put me in a get-things-done frame of mind. The worry-free attitude and euphoria it delivers are unsurpassed by most strains. The ability for me to appreciate the beauty of God's creation is greatly enhanced. This is my first review and so it was only fitting for me to honor my all time favorite. Long live the Durban!