
member since 2018

Recent Reviews9 total

Cherry Pie

Wow! As other veteran smokers have noted here in the reviews, this innocent-sounding strain packs an incredible punch! It takes about 20 minutes to build to full effect. Then Cherry Pie starts out with stronger sativa-like effects, and ends with the indica effects being more prominent. I can tell you that it is very potent. I am dealing with both anxiety and a physical illness, and I smoke pot daily. I have a pretty high tolerance. But after just a few puffs of Cherry Pie, I was literally "feeling no pain" for a few hours! And then slept a great night's sleep. HIGHLY recommend for experienced smokers with high tolerance who are looking for something new...great for breaking out of a rut. For beginners, I might suggest trying something else...this could be overwhelming if you aren't used to getting high.

DJ Short Blueberry

Wow, this strain is incredible! Quite literally, the 1st indica I have ever loved. If you are more of a sativa/hybrid fan, this is a great indica strain to try. First of all, the flavor is Ah-mazing...I felt like I was smoking a blueberry muffin. Secondly, it is VERY potent...I am a fairly heavy smoker, and I only needed 2-3 puffs of this to become nicely baked...just the perfect amount. Which kind of offsets the higher price of this strain, right? The bad news is that DJSB can be difficult to find, so if you come across it in your local dispensary, snap it up! I have also heard that because it is fairly rare, there are imitations out there, but...I tried it from 2 different growers here in Washington State, and both were superb (and very similar in effect).

Super Sour Diesel

My SSD was grown by Soulshine in my hometown of Renton, WA. Organically grown, this SSD is amazing...makes everything better...walking in nature, eating, watching TV, working out...pretty much anything except sleeping. I am a huge sativa fan in general, but this one had some lovely indica-like body-relaxing qualities to it. Dancing in front of the mirror is fun. Singing along to the radio is fun. Great to share or smoke alone. Top shelf! Grab some if you see it.


I am SO happy that a budtender at my local dispensary recommended this strain to me. I smoke mainly to relax and to get relief from anxiety. I generally favor sativa-dominant hybrids... if there is too much indica, I become anxious about how "numb" my body starts to feel. Anyway, I initially wasn't sure what to think of this interesting mix of strains. I wasn't "in love" with it, but I would say I was "in like" with Lemonder. I certainly wasn't bored with it. It wasn't "too stoney" for me, as indica-heavy strains can sometimes be. And, it was so incredibly uplifting. The euphoria was lovely. And my head felt "clear", so clear that I could do work, interface with others in a perfectly "normal" manner...the only difference being that my ever-present anxiety wasn't coloring my interactions with others or just making me feel awful...I feel like anxiety cannot touch me with this strain. And it is on the more expensive side, but a little goes a long way. After working my way through about 2 grams of it, I decided this. Pros: the high is very "balanced" between head high and body high, and the euphoria is very pronounced. Very little of a "stoney" feeling. Ability to function at a high level is very good. But this strain really shines when it comes to doing mundane tasks, such as cleaning house or folding laundry. Turn on your favorite television show or radio program and have a wonderful evening of doing housework. Or eating your favorite snacks. Or doing, well, anything. This is a lovely little strain that "goes along" with just about any activity. It also is a longer-lasting high (2-3 hours ). Cons: It can be on the harsher side when smoking flower. I had several coughing fits, and I am a daily pot smoker. That is the only downside that I can see, and it isn't bad enough to keep me away from strain that will remain in my repertoire for long time. Highly recommend, especially for anxiety sufferers.


Loved this strain. It is fantastic for a relaxing (but not overly sedating) after-dinner smoke. The cashier at my local pot store highly recommended this strain (grown by House of Cultivar), and he could not have been more right about how awesome it was! The odd thing was, when I asked the pot store clerk about the parents of Superglue, a manager quickly chimed in, without missing a beat "Gorilla Glue and Gelato 45". It was the Gelato component that made me want to give this a try. Alas, it seemed too relaxing for Gelato (even with the Gorilla Glue). So I did some research on it, to confirm what I had been told by the pot store folks, and lo and behold...not even close. It is the child of Aghani & Northern Lights. Which makes me really happy, because Northern Lights is one of the few indicas that I really enjoy. It is a truly relaxing strain. I highly recommend this for others, like myself, who usually prefer sativa-dominant hybrids. This is a nice, extra-relaxing change of pace. Oh, and I found it quite strong...go slow at first!

Green Dream

Green Dream is the child of two of my favorite strains: Blue Dream and Green Crack. So I was totally excited to try it, one night when I stumbled across it at my local pot store. And it is pretty good. Like I said, I smoke its parent strains regularly. Green Dream is definitely a mix of its parents. The part that I found slightly disappointing, and the reason for the 4 stars, is that it leans much more towards Green Crack in its effects, and just a little bit of Blue Dream. So, it is a fab strain for getting things done, which just a little of the euphoria from the Blue Dream. But I wish it was a little more "dreamy" and less "green". In any case, I would definitely buy it again for times when I have a lot to get done!

Bay Dream

I am a huge fan of Blue Dream, and so I was very excited to try this hybrid. Bay Dream did not disappoint. It is an awesome sativa that is great for getting work done, exercising, cooking, etc. It made me feel just slightly foggy-headed, but also very, very focused. Like most sativas and sativa-dominant hybrids, it was uplifting and gave me that really good, happy feeling that allows me to concentrate on what I'm doing and not sit around feeling anxious about life. I am a lifelong severe anxiety-sufferer, and I did not feel anxious at all with Bay Dream. It was long-lasting as well, which is a huge plus in my book when I am working on a long project and don't want to have to keep smoking as I work. Just be aware, it is very strong, and slow-acting. If you don't feel it right away after a few puffs, wait about 10 minutes before smoking more so that you don't overdo it. If you are a sativa fan and happen to see Bay Dream in your dispensary, by all means give it a try!

Green Crack

Despite its unfortunate moniker, green crack provides a very gentle, euphoric high. I am prone to anxiety, and did not feel at all anxious after smoking this strain. Before writing this review, I sampled green crack from several local growers. And found that the effects (on me) were consistent with all of them. This is by far the least "stoney" high that you will get. It is a wonderful strain for productivity, regardless of the task that needs to be accomplished. You are basically in your head, with all the negative internal chatter turned off, feeling positive, feeling energetic, ready to get stuff done! But not ready to go to sleep, and I would also say that it isn't the most social strain...I was more into writing and conversing with myself. Which for me, makes this a fantastic wake-and-bake, or mid-afternoon pick me up when I know I have a long night of creative work ahead of me. The best! The only reason for the 4 stars is that I thought the high was relatively short-lived, in comparison to my other favorites.

Quantum Leap

This is a very "trippy" strain, that I would only recommend for experienced consumers, and those comfortable with sativas. The head high goes beyond "high" into extreme creativity (I had an idea for a book and wrote out the outline after smoking Quantum Leap). I am a writer and videographer, and have found this strain very useful for getting me through late nights of editing and re-editing. It is great for being able to focus on creative work and the sometimes repetitive and boring parts of creative work. With all that, there is a good level of relaxation from this strain as well. With the come-down, it was pretty easy to go to sleep, unlike many other sativa-dominant strains that I have tried. No anxiety (and I have anxiety). All in all, a good strain that I would definitely buy again, but only occasionally. It's too intense for everyday use, in my opinion. Also, start slow on this one! It is a "creeper".