
member since 2016

Recent Reviews9 total

Thor's Hammer

okay, the BEST crossfaded strain!!! but this is really good, the taste is at first weird (started my stash with a blueberry blunt) but i got used to it after many sessions with my vape. heavy sativa, best for when you want to get something done. i will agree the flavor is weird, but not bad - high is worth it.

Berry White

Gah DAYUM. I may say "this is five-stars" a lot, but weed is weed and weed is good. Seriously though, Berry freaking White. FOUR moderate hits off of my one hitter got me good and harshly buzzed (not quite high), and I thought I had a high tolerance. The bud itself smells more like berry than the smoke does. The taste of the smoke is kinda sweet, but pretty mellow, and I didn't cough once. High is fun, calm and contemplative. It hit me harder than I thought it was going to, but eh, I ain't complaining.


Holy moly. Dab pen with some lovely wax - it is delightful. The high made me hungry though, which I did not appreciate as much. Kinda made me feel "stuck" at times, so take it easy.

Sour OG

Wow! A lovely wax. Thick, rich brown look that smells like pine sap and a little bit of diesel. Taken through a vape pen, and makes this thick white vapor. When inhaled, tastes kind of sweet and bitter, like coffee and sugar. Leaves some very sticky, honey-like wax in the chamber. Love how tingly and happy I am, but I don't feel like I could do much in this physical - it's a good afternoon relaxing strain.

Northern Lights

Lasts for a while. Picked up 1/4th from a local place, and it's nice, sticky, and has some really fine orange hairs. Doesn't smell too loud, which is nice. The smoke is thick and white, and the joint burned slow and smooth. Tastes like sweet pine and mountain air. I enjoy watching funny shows with this, but I also played a good amount of Skyrim too. Went on a walk with some music, and that was really awesome. Less cerebrally invigorating that a sativa, but my body is very relaxed. Excellent for chilling.

Sour OG

Sets in kind of slow, but it gives a really hybrid experience. Head buzz start, body stone finish. Tastes like gasoline and pine needles, though. And it was wax.

Black Cherry Cheesecake

Wow! took a while to fully set in, but once it did, it stuck around! pretty chill strain, your body won't want to do too much but your brain will keep ticking. found myself to be chatty, funny, and good at thinking about many different things

Green Crack

okay, my first time with this i got some caught in my throat and coughed like crazy. second and third times worked better - the high is energizing and you are very much able to do things, but i wouldn't recommend something that requires too much thought because your head will be very intense and it is easy to get lost in it. i was able to do some menial tasks while high (lasted about 1 hour for me) and was able to get a lot more brainwork done as i was coming down. excellent daytime strain!

Blue Dream

surprisingly sweet, but the smoke is kinda harsh. the high is fun and sets in slowly - you feel it in your limbs, and there is gentle mind invigoration, but it's only enough to boost your creativity. when the high is coming down, i like to take a shower and go to bed - this strain is excellent when you're wrapping up nighttime homework and getting ready for bed.

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