
member since 2017

Recent Reviews31 total

Punch Breath

CV Extracts, honeycomb 67% thc. This is your hard fast but doesn’t last long. High in head, mild body. Couch lock only if I smoked a lot, but be prepared for the nap that WILL follow. Huni Badger without water, hits you like a large freight train. Taste pleasant. Great for my M.S. as I feel the anti inflammation qualities. I will definitely buy this again.


Cartridge at 84.6% THC by CannoVative. Powerful and Deep Hi, but it’s short lived. MS pain is reduced about 50%, Graves’ disease pain is reduced 100%. I like that cart more than the flower I’ve had. I will buy again only if it’s on the super super sale.

Durban Poison

Vape cartridge by Vapen 88% thc. I found it to be a helpful sleeping aid when stacked with another rather, or daytime. Floral scented and the cart is good quality. This one particularly is affective when exhaled through the nose. I prefer sour diesel, super sour diesel, & sour amnesia so I probably will not be buying this again.

Orange Creamsicle

MX diamonds @85% thc. Actually it’s sold as orange Creamsicle X with banana split. Definitely tropical and aroma. In heavy doses it made me nauseous I almost threw up. But this was lessoned by passing through water rig. I never had that reaction or any direction to any cannabis product. But when M.S. cramps took me out, this gem brought me back every time. It’s a highly adaptable high, if you keep your eyes open and stay productive, well that’s the hi you will have. But dare to close your eyes and it’s off to dreamland blissfully. Cut down my pain by 80%. I will maybe get this agin.


Concentrate honeycomb 71% thc by Cannavative. Great high but short lived. Moderate pain reduction lasting longer. Extremely clean burning. NICE! Zero negatives observed. I will definitely buy again!

Berry OG

AMA Concentrate Badder 73% thc. Grassy and taste bad. Cannot detect any trace of tropical or Barry or otherwise. Got 6 G’s & I have to force myself to finish it off it tastes so bad. This stuff is messy and has a honey consistency. Fast onset of headache, but the high builds slowly but deeply. I like the high better than some other concentrates, but the taste is not worth it. I won’t buy this again.

Bubba Kush

Pre 98 Bubba Kush cart by MX Moxie 85% thc. I prefer the flower, but the cartridge has its uses. Zero B-Myrcene, but very good Indica. Clean and no coughing, but not a stand alone to put me to sleep cart, like Headchese by Polaris. I will probably buy again & put this in my rotation

OG #18

Private Reserve Flower by Desert Bloom. Top 3 night time, knock-me out, my day is Over, sleep through Everything. Kills my spine/leg cramps & most M.S. symptoms. The only problem with this strain, it rarely goes on sale. I will get the strain again!


Medizin flower 27% thc. Pain Gone. Cramps Gone. Motivation Gone. Racing thoughts gone. Stress gone. Stomach aches gone. Responsibilities gone. I’m King of my Couch! #1. I will buy this again!

Lemon Skunk

MX badder 71% thc. Lemon and diesel for what ails you. Strong 💪 and clean melting/burning. Second best MJ vacation on my couch. Plenty of Myrcene and Limonene! I will buy this again.