
member since 2018

Recent Reviews9 total

Ecto Cooler

Oh man... I was super stoked to find this locally! What a legendary strain! First time I smoked it I watched Killer Clowns from outer Space - I 100% did not stop laughing throughout the entire film. I've never experienced such a hysterical case of the giggles from weed before - it was almost exhausting XD I can't explain it, just...every single thing about every scene was the funniest thing I'd ever seen, at the time. Second time I smoked I only took one toke & watched the new TMNT. Not a wise choice - I wasn't high enough for it to be funny, just genuinely terrified & confused. The movie felt like 5 minutes and 10 years all at once. Recommend the right movie/munchies/setting and this strain will perk you up 👍


Smell/taste is fantastic right off the bat. Clean, relaxing high that slowly warms over you like a blanket. Buzz isn't anxiety-inducing or a couch-lock. Highly recommend smoking this to watch the old IT miniseries *after* watching the new ones and crying your eyes out/cowering in fear. Gotta be alert for that, like a roller coaster ride. Chill out after with this & and the cheesy yet nostalgic 80s Pennywise and all will be well đŸ€ĄđŸšŹ

Sour Space Candy

Used as a wake n bake before. Gives some pep to my step, a good daytime high with a lil energetic buzz. It's subtle to me, but had my (high-tolerance, mind) sister on her ass, totally different reaction. So to each their own, watch out :)

Strawberry Cough

Would give more stars it I could. This is the PERFECT strain! I am very susceptible to hardcore paranoia when it comes nearly every strain of weed - even "safe" strains like Harlequin. But I has heard awesome things about Strawberry Cough and I've been trying to hunt it down for about a year or more now. Found it in the form of a weed vape cartridge recently and tried that out, nervous but excited. It was everything I'd hoped it would be! I took a couple of light puffs and felt it within 10-15 minutes. I got that warm-glow feeling in my chest and neck, head felt clear but relaxed and airy, whole body loosened up. Couldn't stop smiling. Felt compelled to take the dog for a walk. It is absolutely the Adderall of weed. Actually....it's kind of a "Speedball" type thing - feels like taking an Adderall and a Hydrocodone together (I have been legally prescribed both, btw). This and Pennywise are my go-to strains :) Would absolutely 100% recommend.


Anxiety/paranoia free!! It was such a relief to find this strain, I can smoke an entire joint by myself and not feel like I'm dying. I have a group of friends who like to have weekend parties - smoke a ton, watch weird asmr, take BuzzFeed quizzes, you know - and the peer pressure is ON to get stoned with the rest of 'em. I always want to join in and have fun, but I want to, you know, REMEMBER the fun I have?!?! So this bad boy is the best because it relaxes me and gives me some tingles, gets a buzz going, but I don't lose my gourd in the process.

Green Crack

I was looking for a potential Adderall replacement, and if anything could replace Adderall it would be this b**** - Green Crack herself. It hits fast and hard, and you can feel your pulse thrum, but your chest feels warm and your brain feels "on". The only problem is a lot of people talked about casually smoking a full joint of it with their coffee in the morning to wake up, whereas if I take more that two tokes I end up in an anxiety coma for at least three hours. I mean, do NOT underestimate this strain! Three puffs max for me. I smoked some of this at a bus station in San Francisco once and I still don't know how I ended up on the right bus home! (plus, I wasted almost an entire credit card on vending machine snacks, so...) Lesson learned: I'd take a single hit of this is you haven't tried it yet. Beginners use with extreme caution. Or maybe I'm just a p***y, haha 😝


I read that this strain was low THC, and most of the reviews mentioned that because of this it didn't cause anxiety like other strains. I guess I got cocky and smoked half a joint in a matter of five minutes or so without thinking about it. Within I wanna say fifteen minutes or so, I was watching Jurassic Park and it hit me. I suddenly felt very heavy. I couldn't track what was going on in the film. I felt like I suddenly knew everything and nothing 😂 I had to keep reminding myself that I hadn't always felt that way and I WOULDN'T always feel that way; just very out of sorts. Then I ate a ton of pizza, cake, and Takis and was in bed by 9pm. For what it's worth, I take Adderall. Because of this, my brain is always on high alert and laser-focused, and so the slightest bit of THC makes my brains feel like Jell-O. My mother has awful chronic pain though and said that smoking Harlequin made her feel better than she had in awhile, so, I'm not knocking it's potential for other users.

Durban Poison

I've got ADHD and this is great for focus. I can take a few tokes, after that I get overloaded with anxiety and eventually fall asleep. But after four or five drags for several solid hours I feel a euphoric surge, motivation, energy, just overall happiness. I got a lot of studying done and really got into a Netflix doc. At one point I realized I had gotten an ice cream cone and was dipping every bite in a bowl full of sprinkles, haha so beware the munchies. A good sold strain, for sure.

Sour Tsunami

Due to the low THC I can smoke a whole joint by myself, which is something I appreciate. I like to smoke to relax and help with pain, and if I'm carefully clocking how many drags I'm taking so I don't OD and trigger anxiety, that's definitely not relaxing. High CBD, helps with intense cramps. I get the giggles and lights are brighter. I watched Chris Brown's music video for "Questions" once after smoking and was absolutely entranced. Clear headed mild buzz. Doesn't last very long though. Living up to it's name it has a recognizable smell that is quite sour, but I find it enjoyable. I get this strain regularly along with ACDC. Thumbs up.