
member since 2015

Recent Reviews35 total

Cherry Bomb

Cherry Bomb is the bomb but not quite a 5 for picky ol’ me!! Big packed buds, fluffed up nice out of the grinder, clean even burn. The only bomb is that it seems to make me cough, triggers a bit of the asthma. Fruity flavour of berry/cherry for sure & I did find myself daydreaming off the bong lol so hits you clean and mean lol. 4.5 for me, a chill relaxed but not fatigued high and some back pain relief. Cherry bomb is def the bomb!

Gorilla Cookies

Recently discovered this gem! Nice hits, minimal coughing, packs a gorilla punch that’s as nice as a plate of cookies! Arthritis warrior here & this strain helps a lot. Helps with physical pain and no strain on your motivation, get ‘er done! I wish it was summer in my neck of the woods because this would be a good strain for yard work or gardening if mobility pain is an issue. Def liking this one and not much impressed me these days. Go GC.


Been very busy! Thx for hanging in there :) As a Sativa lover and a veteran user, I like the “clean” high of this particular strain. It takes the edge off any pain I have and it doesn’t burn me out right away, instead giving me the classic Sativa lift! I get physical and mental effects and for me that equals a decent strain for a nice uplifting session. This one would be great in a muffin or cookie and useful for days when people with arthritis want to get stuff done. My mobility / physical challenges are intimately connected to my mental health & this clean, motivating, uplifting strain helps both aspects. If you have depression this is a good strain I think. If you are prone to anxiety this might be a bit much depending on your supplier/quality. *** And speaking of quality lol the cannabis I got from a local dispensary is excellent quality but I wish it was a bit more grape-fruity flavour :) I still find smoking the cheapest way for those of us who use a fair amount to consume daily- again I’d rather eat it but what do you do? If you use it to mitigate symptoms or disabilities then you do what you can. Even with ‘medical’ or compassionate pricing it can still be challenging to access what you need in the way you need it! Enough preaching hahaha So, lastly, this strain I also like or almost love because it does not set my asthma off. Now again a quality issue- the last time I rated this strain I did NOT like it as much as this time and I swear that’s the difference in the grow/supply!! Some strains make me cough or wheeze so much but not this bad boy this time. Woot! Happy high :)

LA Confidential

LA Confidential is one of those laid back strains that packs a nice little 'punch'! The key here folks is supplier. I had some LA a couple months ago from one dispensary in town and it was meh. Got the most recent bag from a place a little further out and holy Hannah! Much better quality = much better effect. Ok seems logical but not kidding I almost didn't pick it up b/c of my previous experience. Even after 25 years of using cannabis I still need the occasional reminders about these things lol So here's what I liked most about this strain relative to my pain... it relaxes me enough off the top that I get some relief of pain not just from my ability to chill mentally but also physically. With some 'new to me' acute nerve pain, this strain actually broke through and made a difference. I've not written a post in a while cause I've been dealing with spinal problems. Needless to say, along with my severe osteoarthritis, waiting for my knee replacement, my rebuilt other knee, my calcific tendinitis in my shoulders, my skin challenges, and fighting depression, I now have ongoing sciatica with nerve pain & numbness in my leg. Walking with a limp for so long has wrecked my low back :( So after hospital x3 I've been on muscle relaxers, opiates, anti-inflammatories, acetominophin, gaba- pentin, and the physical therapist has me walking with a cane. It's been about 1.5- 2 months since this all started. I've gradually lowered and lowered the pain meds to a point where I can still work p/t and do a few other things with minimal meds and more cannabis. I'm a Sativa queen who has very quickly crammed up on Indica info as a result of my changing medical and pain needs. LA Confidential helped my underlying or parasympathetic nervous system chill as well as my conscience mind. I take a nerve pain blocker right now but that doesn't mean the pain is gone- I just can't feel it sometimes. My body still knows it's there and it makes it very challenging for effective pain relief and rest. This strain- when good quality- hit me in the "chiller" so to speak. In minutes I felt my spine muscles relax and my back adjusted naturally. That's a sign to me I'm relaxing. My headache faded and I felt happier in a mellow kind of way. I don't like the after high munchies, but for those who have mild to moderate appetite issues this is a good one to try. Recreationally I would use this one around a campfire or on a fishing boat in the sun. Would pair well with a light beer or a cider. Best of the west right here! Peace peeps.

Blue Satellite

This strain is one of those love/hate ones - I love it sometimes but it has a few drawbacks for me. Of course everyone is different. The particular plant I have been medicating with is aquaponically grown. I like the high and for me this weed is a bit of a creeper, like it slowly seeps into my headspace. It makes me focused but can also make me carry a bit of tension. Sometimes I am nicely uplifted and refreshed and sometimes I get a headache from the smoke of this bad boy. Or it makes me clench my jaw. I do like how it is potent enough to rip up a long time user like myself but doesn't create a huge burn out quickly as some high thc strains can. I actually have found this strain is good for physical activity days. Going hiking, spring cleaning, chasing littles, or even like moving day. If I sweat and discharge the tension then it's a good strain for giving a boost or pushing through bad pain on a "must do" day. I don't mind the smell but the taste is kinda blah to me. In fact, I taste celery haha and ammonia, not my idea of a yummy time. That being said, it is easier on my asthma than a lot of other strains and that's a huge bonus while smoking is still the cheapest way to consume. I'd prolly go 3.75 on this one but that might change when I smoke it from soil grown flowers. It's a good one if nothing better is around or if you love celery :P

King Tut

I really like this strain- and contrary to its name I was not mummified by its effects! A nice compact bud, burned evenly in the bong, smoke only made me cough if I tried to be a piggy lol Smooth smoke that slowly lifted my mind and spirits. A nice high, felt clean and focused, increased creativity and libido for sure & was excellent for date night ;) Not too intense, might be ok for those who worry about Sativa induced anxiety. High lasted for quite a while and the let down was not a total crash and burn scenario. Only disadvantage I had was pretty intense dry mouth but hey that's what good craft beer is for! Haha this one's a keeper.

Lost Coast

Very enjoyable on a few levels. Made my pain manageable, def takes the edge off! I recommend consuming in whatever way works best for you - I puffed this in a h20 device & in blunts because I didn't have enough to make edibles with and even though not my favourite method it was very nice. Can't wait to get some more and do some cooking! Smooth smoke, came on easy with a heady high for an Indica dominant strain. Smoke did not irritate my asthma much and it totally enhanced the conversation and energy. Anyway, pain (check). Energy (check). Did not tire out, so to speak, but wore myself out over the evening and by bed time was still feeling relaxed as opposed to like burnt lol ya know? With its taste, ease on the lungs, pain power, and uplifting stone I would definitely take a surf on Lost Coast OG again- A1

Purple Panty Dropper

Well I picked this sexy strain up looking for something for my pain. My usual dispensary had this earthy beauty on the shelf and I couldn't resist. A very dark bud, not too tight, very 'light' fruity smell and it weighed up very nice. Honestly was chasing the Indica effects for pain but it's no lie, this one spiced up my entire evening ;) Very interesting taste and almost numbed the end of my tongue and lips a little bit. Could be the grow but it was not 'chemically' so to speak. Dries out my eyeballs but a very nice tension reliever and a definate go to for massage or other manipulative therapy appointments. I'm tempted to stock up for my knee replacement in the New Year because it does the job with a nice easy heavy, not a burn out or crash, good one for easing into a nap I bet. Very relaxing and warming, a bit of a darker tasting smoke than the fruity scent leads you to think it will be and although it smoked pretty easy I was a tad wheesy after. Interesting strain and one I will grab again when I see it on the shelf, good medicine.

Rug Burn OG

Ok this is def a 4 or 4.5 if you are only concerned with potency and getting 'cooked'. Very nice stone for this long time cannabis user but the drawback for me is its effects on my lungs. When I blast this one it hits me in the back of the brain- my reflex brain- first. It comes on good and eases off after a little while to a nice mental & equally nice body stone- good for the kind of pain you need to 'push through' for a while like doing morning chores before a hot tub or a nap type deal. It's definitely a more mental hit for me and if you are a novice smoker or a novice driver, don't toke this one and drive until you know how it feels for you. Ok the downer... I give this bad boy a 3.0 because as an ex- cigarette smoker (22yrs, 5 quit), this strain sets my asthma off big time. I spent a lot of time wheezing and coughing my first go round, had to use a puffer to finish out my purchase w/o choking but once the 'burn' eased off and all was said and done it was a great medicine but not worth sucking air like a goldfish 🐟 for moi! Peace out y'all

Blue Magic

Smoking this one is pretty magical haha but seriously, I love lots about this strain. For me it has a blueberry fruity smell with a nice tobacco punch at the end. Lots of nice hairs and a sticky texture. Burned easy in the water bong and no real coughing, easy on the asthma. Excellent euphoria off the top but does really mellow to a nice relaxation. Description says focused but not me- I caught myself a couple times sitting down and zoning out lol but it was also surprisingly easing on the muscle tension and I was as physically relaxed as mentally. Not a get up and go Sativa for me but a great one for quiet days, rest, reading, and just chilling out. Probably very nice if paired with a red wine at a party too if you are into that kind of thing :) Happy Ho Ho y'all from 🇨🇦