
member since 2018

Recent Reviews10 total

Grapefruit Haze

I can’t understand this strain. It certainly gets you high, but what kind of high is this — that’s a whole different question. I was smoking it with my friends so we just had a good time talking and listening to music. Anyway, pretty mellow and positive strain. Gotta smoke it alone though.

Lemon Haze

Haven't tried this one before, but when I did, it immediately became one of my favourite. Very smooth, euphoric and makes me prove deep ideas very easily, which is rather useful for evening talks. I am also very friendly and caring while smoking this. LOVE IT!

Purple Haze

It could be the quality, but smoking 5gs in a week didn’t leave me as much euphoric as i wanted. it’s a very light strain with drunk head high, i wouldn’t recommend purple haze , because it’s just not enough. but i’d like someone to prove me wrong. 3/5 this time.

Critical Plus

Nice strain, pretty mellow body buzz, not much of mental high. It's cozy though. Perfect for evening walks and casual talks.


got me fucked up but in a good way. no paranoia at all but there are deep thoughts tbh. strong high holds you for a pretty long time. it may be too strong for beginners, so watch your hit.

Mazar Kush

It's okay for evening talks, nothing much to say. I find it pretty mellow and "soft". Not a fan of this strain, but if you wanna try it, you definitely won't be disappointed.

Deep Cheese

It's okay. Short lasting experience. Pretty deep, but not enough. Calm and natural - it's awesome to take a walk after smoking it.

Banana Kush

It's a pretty strong indica hybrid. The come up feels like a rush, because it's pretty fast and powerful, which is kind of unsettling, but it doesn't last long and leaves you with a stoned body, kind of sleepy mood but at the same time you stay functional and creative. It's easier to understand deep meanings of songs and movies, so I would say it puts you in a calm sleepy (but not tired) state, where you can enjoy the surrounding and company feeling no anxiety or paranoia. So it's a fast hard come up with long lasting calm high comfortable for cozy evenings. Solid 4.

OG Kush

Instant classic. Creative and uplifting. Good mental state without paranoia. Light and easy. If you're non-experienced it's a good strain to start with. As for me, I find it too simple, they are plenty of other strains much more interesting than OG Kush

Critical Kush

This is one of the best strains I've ever smoked. Creative and uplifting high but mellow and calm at the same time. This is like the best hybrid if you want to get really high with no anxiety or paranoia. We took a couple of hits from a bong in my best friend's kitchen which was lit up with christmas lights and in 15 minutes I felt like in a space shuttle. We had a really good time discussing some ideas we just had and listening to Kaytranada's album. If you like "entertaining" type of high with deep creative thoughts and empathy in the air, but you also want to feel really calm and comfortable with your body, this is certainly a great pick. Highly recommended! Might feel a little bit strong for non-experienced smokers, so start with a small hit.

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